Tips & Solutions

Always on the back foot?

Have you ever answered a call from your Property Manager or Tenant with “How much this time? What’s next?” You’re not alone! Imagine the tenant’s side… “Another call to report another thing broken down!” That may not be the case for your property but this is how some tenants feel. We encourage you to be proactive with maintenance. Between tenancies is the perfect time. Have a trades person #inspect# your property to repair and report on what may need fixing in the future. A friendly call to your tenant to see if there is something you can do, instead of them phoning can make a big difference. A little forward planning can help alleviate the stress from another call and keep your tenants happy. Naturally we can assist with any of these tasks, so please let us know should you want us to contract a trades person to give you a detailed report of what might need repairing and renovating.

Jaime Pratt
A Senior Property Manager and Director with 20+ years’ specialist experience, Jaime is an expert negotiator who consistently achieves outstanding results for her clients.
